Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Oh fuck.
"If girls realized the consequences of having sex, nobody would be having sex"?????
Stick to sucking Alaskan dick Bristol, the only reason you had no idea where babies come from is because your whole family is comprised fucking retard christians who can't let the word CONDOM reach the ears of anyone or anything. You know? I think I will start a little fun from this...

This shitty shitty world wants YOU to get an envelope, get a stamp and send a fucking condom to Sarah Palin's office. Just write down on a sheet of paper "FOR BRISTOL" and send as many as you can. HERE!

Sarah Palin/Bristol Palin
Box 110001, Juneau, AK

Because knowledge is power!

Mommies and daddies shouldn't be brother and sister.

Some kid drew this for me at work.
"Good job, dude. Except spiderman doesn't have a fucking gray cape you little retard."
Total bullshit, this coffee tasted like asshole.


"A'right, it's gonne' be a fuckin' picture of the earth from the moon, an' thurz gonna be this astronaut there, planting the red white and blue in one a' them moon craterz..But the astroman is a fuckin' ALIEN."

"You gotta put that shit awn the back'yer truck, motherfucker."

Pussy jokes aplenty!


"Yeah I'll take some Juicy fruit, this pair of shitty sunglasses and some Sweet Pussy oil. My mom's coming home for Thanksgiving and, dammit, she just cant live without the smell of Pussy in the house."

Planned Parenthood.

Seriously though, I didn't even move it there. This fucking baby mannequin was done for the moment they stole it and brought it home from Gymboree. Probably went really nicely next to the Magic Johnson life-size, cardboard cutout.

Epic parking job. Really.

HAHAHAHA!!! I hate living in the south.

--All the "REAL MEN FUCK JESUS" stickers must have been sold out. What the fuck is wrong with christians? Dont you just love how hard they fight to keep gays from getting married yet want to spend eternity sitting on the lap of a bearded man? Fuck this.