I go out. Most of the time, if I am lucky I can find a great time with great people, but, in the middle points when I am just walking around thinking about pussy or bums (not in that order or even in reverse) I usually run across crazy shit.
It's happened most of my life and truly, I think it happens to other people too. I guess most people just aren't as super duper hip like I t0tally am and make a whole fucking blog about their stupid encounters and weird observations. Expect a bit of sarcasm from this place, expect complete mockery of the human condition, expect a shitty shitty world.

In fact!
I was recently in Goodwill and was pretty stoked on how much good will was going around when I saw this heap of crazy shit in the electronics department...
Goodwill, now helping serial killers get organized. Great. Who decided to put these two items in the same SECTION, no less right next to each other? THAT IS A FUCKING ELECTRIC SAW AND A HOCKEY MASK ON THE SAME SHELF.
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