A whole lot of people believe that Jesus Christ was a "Come one, come all" kind of guy. His church doesn't really share this charitable spirit.
Miami Parking is impossible. Finding a spot across from your local grocery store requires either a car the size of a fucking baby's thumb or the willingness to shell out $20 to a shady retard in a red polo. This church in my neighborhood has a huge parking lot that is never used 6 days out of the week but for some god awful reason no one can park in this acre of concrete unless they sit in church, listen to iron age bullshit and give money to the donation basket.
$20 to the red shirted retard or $20 to the child molester in a stupid hat... Choices.
Just incase you are thinking about parking in the lot, they have this giant mural of Jesus watching over it. The mural is not in the front above the door, it's in the back judging illegal parkers.
Where are these guys when we need them most?
--Oh thats right...Jail.